Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sulking - Q & A

Question: Well, why do people sulk?
Answer: Because they have the time. If you have a lot of work and responsibilities and are left with little time at the end of the day, enough only to talk to friends and family about happy things and to sleep, you will never sulk.

Question: What kind of people sulk?
Answer: Those think that life sucks and that's how it is and those who think that life should not suck.

Question: Well then who's left? Rather what kind of people don't sulk?
Answer: Those who do not have expectations from life or have rather few of them which are met easily. And those who are really really really lucky to have all their desires fulfilled.

Question: So, is sulking good or bad?
Answer: Both. A little is necessary, but as all things in life - "Too much is too bad".

Question: If I have decided that I will not sulk and even then on a one off occasion, I am still whining to myself about "Why me?" or "Why not me?", is that a bad thing?
Answer: Nope, its human - At that point looking at others less fortunate than you and asking the same questions helps... Also looking at the good in your life and asking the same questions again helps even more.

Question: What is the ideal conclusion to a sulking session?
Answer: A bottle of Old Monk rum which concludes in a sound sleep with the cause of the sulking temporarily deported to a far off galaxy!
Answer (For the poor teetotalers like me) : Well, if the cause of sulking can be remedied then try your best to rectify it. If it can't, then no point crying - there is nothing you can do anyway!

Question: What if .... Hey, stop it - enough for the night! No further questions!

Just FYI, the above monologue is not the result of a bottle of Old Monk rum or any other intoxicating spirit for that matter :)

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