Sunday, March 30, 2008

Game Over! A New One To Begin Soon!

This weekend marked a tribute to a journey, which though unsuccessful, was quite an eye-opening one. I primarily reflected over the roads traveled, the turns taken, the turns mistaken and the eventual result. Dwelling on all these, I drew up a road-map for the road ahead - not a very long one - just for the next few months. Seems like a weekend well spent.

Here's me looking forward to a brand new start tomorrow!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Testing Times

There are times, some things don't work out. Every man and woman lives through them. That was something I knew. One thing I didn't know however, was that there are times when all things don't work out and nothing happens as planned. The last few months have elaborately rid me of my ignorance in this regard. So much so, that now I am highly tempted be a devout believer in Murphy's Laws. It is a unique feeling when you question whether the entire universe has conspired against you to create turbulence in almost each and every aspect of your life.

The good thing about such times is that they truly test your strength. The bad thing is that they run the risk of making you cynical. They make you lose enthusiasm in life. One may then begin to live life accepting that reality is always dark. That thought occurred to me too. In the fight of hope versus reality, reality always wins - so why does everyone say "Keep Hope"? Some say that hope and reality don't fight - they simply move on their own paths which meet on and off. Some say that hope has various sisters - one should side with the sister called "Realistic Hope". The only difficulty lies in identifying "Realistic". Well, the truth as I see it is that hope keeps you prepared for the impending reality but does not allow you to give up.

An adage goes - "The good thing about bad things is that they come to an end." I hope that that end is near! As of now, I hope that my stubbornness helps me continue to keep faith in the fact that life is beautiful in spite of all its ups and downs, and help me through the current 'down' that I am going through. Yes, I trust hope again...