Saturday, March 29, 2008

Testing Times

There are times, some things don't work out. Every man and woman lives through them. That was something I knew. One thing I didn't know however, was that there are times when all things don't work out and nothing happens as planned. The last few months have elaborately rid me of my ignorance in this regard. So much so, that now I am highly tempted be a devout believer in Murphy's Laws. It is a unique feeling when you question whether the entire universe has conspired against you to create turbulence in almost each and every aspect of your life.

The good thing about such times is that they truly test your strength. The bad thing is that they run the risk of making you cynical. They make you lose enthusiasm in life. One may then begin to live life accepting that reality is always dark. That thought occurred to me too. In the fight of hope versus reality, reality always wins - so why does everyone say "Keep Hope"? Some say that hope and reality don't fight - they simply move on their own paths which meet on and off. Some say that hope has various sisters - one should side with the sister called "Realistic Hope". The only difficulty lies in identifying "Realistic". Well, the truth as I see it is that hope keeps you prepared for the impending reality but does not allow you to give up.

An adage goes - "The good thing about bad things is that they come to an end." I hope that that end is near! As of now, I hope that my stubbornness helps me continue to keep faith in the fact that life is beautiful in spite of all its ups and downs, and help me through the current 'down' that I am going through. Yes, I trust hope again...


Ganesh Hegde said...

I think the time when what you hope for and what is reality coincide, is a time worth waiting for and a time worth hoping for.
And yessir, Life is Beautiful.
I think once disappointment is taken in stride along with happiness, its easier to appreciate Life's Beauty. What I mean to say is that there is beauty even in sadness (You may not agree with me on this), because it is part of this pattern that life weaves, you'll have a few grey spots, a few black, a few white a few bright colored and others dull. The end result, if you'll look back over the years is quite amazing.
I do not wish to imply that one should wallow in sadness, but only thatit becomes easier on oneself if one can accept defeat/sadness/disappointment and only hope for the better, and be prepared for whatever comes.

Ganesh Hegde said...

Was just going through the post once more and thought I'll add another comment. I think Life is Beautiful, because of it's ups and downs and not inspite of it. Didn't emphasize that in my previous comment.
Hope all hope is not lost as yet, w.r.t your plans.
All the best.

Varun said...

Interesting words - but easier said while on the 'up' of life :).
Well, its Game Over for this year. But life's long - lets see what it has in store!

Ganesh Hegde said...

I am not saying it while I'm riding a crest. Though I can safely say that I haven't suffered a telling blow.
Nevertheless, I stand by what I say and I don't think I would change these words even if landed in a trough.
ATB, though.

Esha said...

most of us will identify with this is indeed about "testing times"..and then about facing them and yet moving on and keeping never give in/give up.. :)

Lecture-rhymer said...

I said this to a friend once.. actually I always say it all my friends when they need to hear it..
I started believing in this a few years back and this is in fact something that helps me keep my faith:

"when you ask life for something, it answers in 3 ways - It says YES and gives you what you want, it says NO and gives you something better.. or it says WAIT and gives you the best".

(i am not a total stranger though it'll take a little effort to find out who I am :))

You write pretty well by the way :)

Varun said...


An inspiring quote to say the least. I am as of now... waiting...

I've seen you comment frequently on esha's blog, so I guess finding out who you are is just a matter of asking her @ your identity :)

Thanks for the compliment.

Anubha said...
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Anubha said...

Tough times which almost break us makes us the most . Sometimes to force a needed change on humans, we have to suffer a lot before we accept our destiny and move on. Tough times appear as if they are breaking us, but that is an illusion I would say- such times only make us tougher against the time.

What makes the good worth having is the chance we take in experiencing the bad. That's the deal! Our attitudes color every idea, perception and decision.

Even though we are left drained out and exhausted at the end of the process, we are definitely wiser at the end of it all.

After any difficult experience, in time when I look back to see how the universe’s plan unfolds, I am able to find reasons for all that was, and moreover, for all that wasn’t.

Indeed, such times are inevitable - We all stumble, we all fall, but what’s most important is that you get up, stand tall and rock on because through the struggle comes the butterfly!

God bless you dear :)