Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Okay - here's a warning to anyone who has started reading this post - DON'T! Scroll up or down and read other ones which make at least little sense. This one is just as the title says - Random!!!
To start - I hope I finish this post, but then again - I shouldn't really care whether its ends logically.
So what is it that I want to write? Do I want to make statements or ask questions? Well, lets see.... why the hell am I wondering? This is random, hence no rules! I am already beginning to love random!!! (To those who are still reading, get off NOW while you still have some sanity left!!!)
In a random world one would easily be able to walk up to the girl one liked and asked her out! Not go crazy wanting to but never really going ahead and doing it. In a random world, one would just go ahead and follow his dream and not suppress it in the name of practicality. In a random world, one wouldn't have to worry about being careful of people trying to stab one in the back or mischief-mongers who twist your words to use them against you! Now wait a sec, is this a random world I am talking about or a perfect world? Doesn't matter really. One person's randomness is another's perfection. How? Well, simple - a perfect sentence written in Chinese looks random and therefore senseless to me. Hence how the world seems depends on who is looking at it. Also, this proves that ignorance transforms perfection into randomness!
I talk about a random world, then say randomness is at times a view of perfection distorted by ignorance. Ignorance some say is bliss! Maybe that is because there is no perfection in the world, hence people like to feel that the reason for them not seeing perfection is not because the world is a place devoid of perfection, but because they are ignorant and what is around them is in fact perfect, its just that they can't see it and are happy thinking it is there!!
Hence, I too can attain bliss by saying that my life is perfect, its only my ignorance because of which I can't see it. Unfortunately, I am among those unlucky beings who don't like ignorance. It is imperative for them to know or at least try to know the hows and whys of life. However, the more they know, the more they realize how far perfection is... the harder they try to attain that perfection. This goes on till they run out of their greatest strength..... hope!