Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ant On The Sidewalk

Ever wondered how an ant crawling across a pavement must be feeling? What is its perception of how the world looks like? I had never wondered about this till I experienced it myself today morning when I set out to purchase a CAT form on my bicycle.
Mentioning that I embarked on this 12-14 km round trip to attempt to get my stamina back to respectable levels would be a digression, so let me avoid that and keep to the subject at hand. The bicycle - like the ant is the smallest of creatures on the road. An on undisciplined roads like Pune's it as susceptible to being crushed, like an ant is while crawling on a crowded sidewalk. The bicycle like the ant has no right whatsoever on the road and the onus is on the cyclist to ensure that the cycle is not in the path of the traffic that is zigzagging to avoid the potholes, lest it gets trampled upon and crushed.
I have now experienced firsthand what such creatures must be going through for roughly around an hour, and from today onwards my sympathy towards these tiny creatures has increased considerably.

1 comment:

Readable me :) said...

i always loved those creatures...Well but i dint have to go throo this...all i had to was to watch one of the animation movies ant-bully or bee movie to have a look at their perspective ;)